New Skilled Occupation Lists – 1 July 2017

The Australian Government has amended the Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) with effect from 1 July 2017. The new regulations affect the temporary and permanent skilled migration programs. Some of the changes are retrospective, so they affect applicants who have submitted applications but whose applications have not yet been decided.

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Changes to 457 Visa Program with immediate effect

The Australian Government has announced major changes to the subclass 457 visa program with immediate effect. The changes will affect all standard business sponsors and visa applicants.

Continue reading Changes to 457 Visa Program with immediate effect

New 2016-2017 Skilled Occupation List Announced

2016 Skilled Occupation List AnnouncementThe Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection has announced the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and Consolidated Skilled Occupation List (CSOL) for the 2016-2017 Migration Program Year.  The new skilled occupation lists commence on 1 July 2017.

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2016-17 Skilled Occupation List

updateNews has begun to circulate regarding the new 2016-2017 Skilled Occupation List for Australian Migration.  The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting the latest submissions from various professional bodies about whether they believe there will continue to be skills shortages in their industry.

The submissions form the basis of decision making by the Australian Government when the new skilled occupation list is announced in the next few months, expected to commence on 1 July 2016.

Newsflash: 2016-2017 Skilled Occupation List Announced

Continue reading 2016-17 Skilled Occupation List

SkillSelect Invitations – September and October 2015

newsThe results of the September 2015 SkillSelect Invitation Round are now available.  Also find out about the October 2015 invitation rounds and the changes that are occurring.

Continue reading SkillSelect Invitations – September and October 2015

2015-16 NSW State Nomination List Announced

2016Skilled Occupation List Update1 August 2015 – The NSW State Government has announced changes to the State Nomination Program for the permanent Subclass 190 Visa.

Effective immediately, there are two streams for NSW State Sponsorship, with a new Priority Skilled Occupation List replacing the existing State Nomination Skills List.

There are up to 4000 places available for NSW Nomination in this financial year.

Continue reading 2015-16 NSW State Nomination List Announced

2016 Skilled Occupation List Announced

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has announced the 2015-2016 Occupation List effective 1 July 2015. 

In addition, the Australian Border Force, has been established to be the compliance arm of the Department.

News: Are you looking for the 2016-2017 Skilled Occupation List? Click here.

Continue reading 2016 Skilled Occupation List Announced

New 2015-2016 Skilled Occupation List

newsInformation about the 2016 Skilled Occupation List for Australian Immigration.  The occupation list is used to meet skills shortages in the growing Australian economy.  Occupation ceilings and caps limit the number of visas that can be granted in any given year.

Continue reading New 2015-2016 Skilled Occupation List

Australian Sponsored Work Visas – Subclass 457 Visa

immigrationThe subclass 457 visa program is a popular pathway for employers to fill job vacancies and overseas workers to work in Australia.  The program is designed to help fill short and medium-term labour market vacancies in the Australian economy.

Continue reading Australian Sponsored Work Visas – Subclass 457 Visa